Thursday, November 30, 2006
post prom!

haha okay sorry to bug people about post prom all the time.. but just to let you all know.. about 10 people from the class has already bought tickets from me for the post prom party.. and a few told me to reserve for them.. so since quite a few are going for it, why dont the whole class just go along and have some fun? yeah dont have to stay the whole time.. maybe just hang around for an hour or two and after that we can always go off and do something else? yeahh so if anyone else still wants tickets try to let me know before prom night so that i can help u guys keep it for sixteen bucks ya?


MY LIFE spun on 10:43 pm.

Xmas PartY!

Hey everybody!~

can we have a show of hands who's confirm going for the xmas party?
haa! no need to raise ur hands.. lol!
anw, just hope that we can get a 'confirm' ans on prom night itself. then we can do 'balloting' for the gift exchange! =D
this is so that every one gets a gift!
Melvin agrees too as he's afraid there's excess 'guys' or 'girls' gift!

Anw, dont try to be 'educational' ar melvin! LOL!~


MY LIFE spun on 5:33 pm.



this upcoming xmas party will be very exciting and educational!
educational becoz we'll sieze this opportunity to teach eric and liwen what's a MISTLETOE!
wheeeee! muahahhahahhaa. what's a better way to teach other than hands-on experience eh? *coughs coughs*

so sit back, relax, and hail the mistletoe!

merry early xmas (:

-happier foot

MY LIFE spun on 5:22 pm.


erm.. are we going to crash the j1 orientation next year? if we're planning to crash the orientation (or play bball at the same time) then mabbe we can push the chalet date SLIGHTLY backwards, probably 5th to 7th. coz there's also the campfire night which is supposedly on the 4th rightos? the mass dances and school songs will all be all on that night. lets not forget abt meeting the grandjuniors (although it doesn't sound quite appealing to me) HAHAHA. but all in all, if we're going to crash next year's orientation, then i think its more appropriate to push the chalet to the 5th or something. (:


MY LIFE spun on 4:26 pm.

Class outing


i just read the class blog.. dont worry xxy, i wont kill you..if i do so, CJ will make minced meat out of me!! LOL~ btw, does it sound abit like kwong ee?? haa.. looking forward to all the class outings we havE! (Prom, Xmas party, class chalet!) Btw, are we having a countdown party at someone's place? i wanna countdown to the new year together! hee..
btw, i really enjoyed the class outing yest but i think i stupid insect bite me!
So conclusion: i have rashes on my left hand, back and neck!!
Die.. i dont wanna get disfigured before PROM!! help me!!
haha.. paranoid me.. :'(

P.S: I really like the new layout! Plus its my favourite colour! hee.. =D

MY LIFE spun on 12:34 pm.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

hihi! For those who weren't at the sentosa outing, is chalet from 3rd(wed) to 5th(fri) Jan 07 ok? The rationale for choosing january instead of febuary is that (a) alot of people are going overseas in dec (b) it's off peak in jan and cheaper. PThe chalet will be paid for by the excess class fund that mysteriously appeared possibly due to over zealous collection of funds by the bio department (and our class treasurers) . So we have about $256 to spare. I can book under my brother's status as retired ns man and get it for $65/night for one room. So 2 rooms for 2 nights would be about $260 just nice. But i have to make sure everyone in the class is agreeable because this money belongs to everyone, please raise any objections by 4th Dec 06 (that's prom night).That's all!

Sentosa outing today was really fun! Too bad teng chuan wasn't there to play murderer, his favourite game..haha but it was quite fun playing all the dog and bone and simon says and getting caught on camera in weird and suggestive positions (no thanks to gong yue ; ) ). Wei jian even came all the way from jb! haha the food was good too..thank you qinying for preparing all the sandwiches! ~woohoo~ let's do this again sometime after prom!


MY LIFE spun on 10:35 pm.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sentosa stuff

Bring umbrella, any card games such as UNO, poker and board games. I think one set of poker cards is not enuf to play with so many people around so can bring more sets of poker cards so more people can play bridge haha.

I have told kk to bring boggle, a very nice and fun game that needs paper and pencil/pen to play. I will bring extra so more people can join in the fun. Hopefully kk remembers to bring though! He might be too happy that exams are FINALLY over that he forgot to bring haha.

And the meeting is at 10.30am at harbourfront MRT, juz to repeat previous entries. If possible, bring stuff there to eat like some snacks or what, so that we can also eat some snacks when it really rains.


MY LIFE spun on 11:50 pm.


hey! maybe it's a bit late to post this but don't worry about the rain! there are two huge indoor halls at siloso beach where we can camp and play cards etc..which we will most likely do also in the sun just that we're outdoors. so bring out all the board games (other than monopoly) and cards (other than the poker cards) you've got! So see ya at 10.30 at harbourfront mrt control centre!


MY LIFE spun on 10:53 pm.

Wow I didn't know we actually had 211 posts? This is the 212nd. Haha. Yeah and yay our class blog is finally revived! I didn't know so much was posted in the last weekend! And I am finally free! Hahaha. I was smiling the moment the invigilator said time's up.

This is the feeling of freedom.

Oh yeah in case you guys haven't read your emails, I'm going to advertise my church's musical again...

Free admission (yay!)
15th and 16th Dec
ACS (Barker), Mrs Lee Choon Guan Hall

Denise Tan (the ex-Power98 DJ and current theatre actress) is the scriptwriter and director/producer, so it's gonna be really good. Uh... and I'll be singing (backup) in certain segments too.

So do come down! Hope to see all of you there! You guys can meet up for dinner first or sth (unfortunately I'll be doing last minute rehearsals on that day so can't join you)

And hope it doesn't rain tmr. :)

kai xin

MY LIFE spun on 10:35 pm.

Weather Forecast for Wednesday

28° C 25° C

Chance of T-storms

30% chance of precipitation

What now? Think fast, act faster please.

MY LIFE spun on 10:05 pm.


gah wasn't easy for me to post this since decided i shld navigate in traditional chinese. but well that wasn't wad i wanted to say.

I hate to dampen ur spirits but i think it's gonna rain on wed at sentosa (no pun intended) so we shld think of more um. indoor stuff to do? besides cards? and all sorts of rides are ex too.

yup so bring umbrellas (for rain or shine) and think of locations indoors with a sizable space. suggestions?

shu ping

MY LIFE spun on 1:56 am.

Sunday, November 26, 2006
new layout!

okay im sorry i just thought the previous layout was kinda gloomy so i thot id add some colour to it. if anyone strongly objects to this new one, i have saved the old html so we can always change it back. i have no idea what the relevance of the layout is to our class, haha but its kinda bright and happy. and im sure liwen likes the colour scheme anyway :D

so anyway, about class stayovers and stuff. i can offer my house! if u guys are looking for any place. and i can book the pit downstairs, just tell me in advance. and um that day when we were looking around at christmas decos at vivo, shuhui was talking about having a christmas party. and gift exchanges and stuff. so what do you guys think? and umm.. brainstorm for other stuff for the party if its really gonna happen yeah? or we could all just play musical chairs. haha we can also arrange for a mistletoe for liwen and eric and stuff yeah. hahaha. liwen dont kill me.

ohyah. and wednesday thing.. wanna ask the other first three months people to come? like benjamin.. ive already asked noe, and she says okay. so yeah, since we havent seen the rest in ages, try contacting them!


yay im glad the class blog is up again. keep it alive people!
seeyou guys on wednesday (:


MY LIFE spun on 4:07 am.

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Tagboard changed

I have changed the tagboard so now can tag le

Regarding the chalet, i think liwen you can post the available dates here so the class can decide which dates are more suitable for the majority of the class. I think cannot satisfy everyone since some need to go overseas or have some other things going on.

Is it true that it starts at 7pm instead of 7.30pm? I din check my ticket for the time but i think the event also wun start on time bah. Haven buy my prom clothes as well...


MY LIFE spun on 9:30 pm.


erm... does that mean.... less make-up time? (:


MY LIFE spun on 5:34 pm.


btw, i got impt announcement!

prom starts at 7pm instead of 7:30pm on that day itself. muahahhahaha

do i sound like i'm lying? i hope not. =x


MY LIFE spun on 5:10 pm.


someone revive the flooberbox pls. coz i dunno how to. rawr.
rain rain, go away!


MY LIFE spun on 3:22 pm.


hey peeps, as of the discussion with the two LAO DAs at vivo, i have some updates.. my cousin is a safra member and can help us get chalet.. downtown east.. $89 per night(peak period).. availability not sure.. Can you guys help me by giving a tentative date so that i can check if i can get them? either sms me or tag or blog.. THANKS!!

MY LIFE spun on 1:11 am.

MARSHMALLOW (random thought)

hellow hellow. how have you guys been spending your first few two days of FREEDOM? how free are you now? how free do u want to be? oh my, why does that sound so familiar huh. =PpP

i'm bored stiff at home now. my only companion is the computer and the few pple who're online. but even so those who are online are probably 1.) hugging teevee 2.) hugging youtube 3.) hugging pillows. RAWR. I NEED COMPANY! :( someone pls invite me to your house to play/rot. i can't stand stayin at home anymore. i've been imprisoned here for the past 2 months. i need fresh air.

oh, picnic sounds good. and mabbe we can go kayak. wahahhaa. i haven kayak for such a long time hoho. and i probably can drop by vivocity to explore as well. hoho. but thats provided that i'm relatively mobile by wednesday. (:

and prom's coming! oh well, i dunno is that good or bad. hohoho.


MY LIFE spun on 12:32 am.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Hello everyone!

I think picnic is a good idea. I can bring jelly for dessert haha. And for suggestions on class activities, i am thinking whether we can go ice-skating or do something special. Even though not everyone likes ice-skating and it is on the west some more so people living in the east will suffer, but i think it is quite fun. Last time can organise an east coast park ardy so going to the west for ice-skating can also be done bah haha. The cost is about $10+ i think.

Can we stay-over at someone's house and have bbq? This again needs time and people to collate and call up the company to order food and make arrangements but it is juz another suggestion.


MY LIFE spun on 9:30 pm.

Hi ppl,
We have a lot of money left in the class fund....S$256.65 to be exact. So maybe we can use this money for some class activities, but as many people as possible should be able to participate since the money belongs to everybody in the class. Or do you all just want to retrieve your share of cash from the class fund? You may want to post suggestions and we can discuss using this blog. Happy hols (:

-Wei Jian((:

MY LIFE spun on 9:12 pm.

Hi everyone...
since we are going sentosa on wed, why dun we have a picnic there?? Shu Hui says the food is a bit expensive a picnic would be easy on our pockets and we can eat as much as u long as everyone brings something to contribute. yup! Hope you all can post the items you are bringing! ;p If you have ball/frisbee/mats/etc...pls contribute too!!!


MY LIFE spun on 6:22 pm.