Wednesday, November 29, 2006

hihi! For those who weren't at the sentosa outing, is chalet from 3rd(wed) to 5th(fri) Jan 07 ok? The rationale for choosing january instead of febuary is that (a) alot of people are going overseas in dec (b) it's off peak in jan and cheaper. PThe chalet will be paid for by the excess class fund that mysteriously appeared possibly due to over zealous collection of funds by the bio department (and our class treasurers) . So we have about $256 to spare. I can book under my brother's status as retired ns man and get it for $65/night for one room. So 2 rooms for 2 nights would be about $260 just nice. But i have to make sure everyone in the class is agreeable because this money belongs to everyone, please raise any objections by 4th Dec 06 (that's prom night).That's all!

Sentosa outing today was really fun! Too bad teng chuan wasn't there to play murderer, his favourite game..haha but it was quite fun playing all the dog and bone and simon says and getting caught on camera in weird and suggestive positions (no thanks to gong yue ; ) ). Wei jian even came all the way from jb! haha the food was good too..thank you qinying for preparing all the sandwiches! ~woohoo~ let's do this again sometime after prom!


MY LIFE spun on 10:35 pm.