Thursday, March 31, 2005

Eric here again! WOW, 05s77 council nominees have done a GREAT JOB!!! Cool! The videos done are very good, kai him's jokes are damm funny, excellent!!! Good luck to all of you next fri and all the best!

MY LIFE spun on 8:07 pm.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Hello, eric here. The sleepover at shu hui's house was great fun ya? hahaz, keep on playing cards and mahjong like some mad addicts, but it was exciting. Kuan khoon finally learnt how to play bridge and mahjong...hahaz

Eye 10 was okay lah, not that bad as commented by jun hao after the movie. He simply condemned it to the lowest of all movies, hahaz, but i thought it is quite okay, although the suspense is not really strong.

I think we should have more sleepover sessions ya? hahaz.

MY LIFE spun on 10:44 pm.

Yoz... Ben here. Me just realise i haven been posting for quite long liao. haha... Anyway, I enjoyed the stayover very much and Shu Hui, thanks for inviting me. =)

I think i can't watch horror movies. Even though the eye(10) was pretty funny, i was totally scared by it and now i have having nerves taking lifts and going to dark places.=S

I wonder if the 2nd intakers will be fun. Must tell me hor... Meanwhile, i am still trying to reappeal into VJ...Good luck to myself...

05s77 ROCKX!!!! I luv all of u!=O
Ben logging off...

MY LIFE spun on 2:23 pm.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


mel's back! =) im at shuhui's house now, with junhao, ben, lei2, edwin, xxy + cj, tkk + wu juan, eric, with shuhui out of her house! we own the world! hahaha. sorry, im crapping since im full of energy, as i slept at 1plus, when the rest slept at 6.. that's ultimate sadness... boos! i bet i missed out on lotsa stuff! esp gossips! ah!!!

anyway, i really want to thank you guys for coming down to support me on the last night of huangcheng!! though it's like ages ago, as according to junhao and ben, but of cos i know it's long ago le lah! doinks. but it's better late than never, right? haha. but im really really very touched and happy that night ok! i've been boasting to my huangcheng frens about how 22 of my clsmates r coming, when likea couple of classes have 0 attendance or didnt come in a class.. so see how united our class is! yippee! =) *grinz* i know yall cheered for me when im on-stage, it's like a sudden uproar from the circle seats! even my friend in the control room was telling me about how loud yall were... THANKS X INFINITY! =)))) then i almost died upon seeing the yellow bouquet of flowers, cos it's so nice and big... the best i've ever received ok! then i went on with my boasting, telling and showing everyone about the flowers! hee.

lei2 woke up le! yay! okie, i shall go off now! BUAIZ! muackz! love yall loads!

s77 ROCKS! wo men shi2 tou2! (quoted from wu juan)

MY LIFE spun on 10:25 am.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

looking down at noe noe's entry and thought back. yea..our class right from when we first met till's been 3 months. 3 months filled with fun, laughter, not much tears, sian ness, stoning at the class bench, talk kok sessions. ARGH i dunno, now that not everyone's staying, it's gonna be kinda wierd..something's missing sorta. Still remember and fondly look back on the first day when we were all self-intro ing. all the guys looked the same~(esp the TCHS boys) LOL. the many outings we TRY to's not bad wahh first time we have such high attendance rate! 24 outta 26 is like woah. heheh..too bad everyone disappeared after that left like 10 pple. We did have some fruitful discussions :D. i dunno whether i should say this esp here..but these few weeks the class getting a bit cracked. like falling apart. i mean tt's my sentiments please prove me wrong. nevermind, it's a new term..we'll all try yea? S77 has been complete becuz of each and everyone of you, much as i don't want any of us to have to part, it's sometimes inevitable and others by choice..whatever it was, we did had each other's company (even if we didn't exactly treasure every moment cuz we thought there'll always be tomorrow) it's starting to hit me i'm not gonna see some of you tomorrow, or the day after tml, or next week. hai. can i juz say 05S77 ROCKS!!!!!

MY LIFE spun on 9:32 pm.

hey peepX....
noe noe here...this is the 2nd time im writing in this lovely blog...but i hope this will not be my last..=S..ive got so much stuff to say too all of yoz..but yi qie jing zai bu yan zhong(: ill jus try my best to say wadeva i can rite now..hahaz....crap...
ok here goes...
first time i saw you guys..i tot e class was gonna be boring(dun bish mi kz..)..BUT...i knew i was wrong..orientation with yOz was reaLLLI fun..and great...i rem dat silly skit we had..all of us were quite enthu lah..we were very sporting in games though we din get to win any..but well..we always tried our best din we?..dats the whole pt of orientation...we get to hv fun together..blahblah..yeah..and dat was when i get acquainted with e taitai gang=)xinyi.liwen.wujuan.melissa.leilei. ...hehez..these gurls hv rocked my life..
i fell outta luv and becuz of u guys..i was able to get over it and move on...i cant imagine wad i would hv gone thru if not for yoz..u might think this is silly but realli...coming to sch was fun to mi becuz of all of much as i hated the lectures n tutorials..i wldnt want to miss a day hangin arnd e class bench...yes..the class bench.....S77 class bench is such a wonderful place..windy// place to relax...ill miss the bench lots....
our class...ever scandalous-.-...jus becuz pp of opp sex tok a little more..den there's a scandal..rather silly though it does inject some fun into our life sometimes..hahaz..but well...rem not to go overboard teasing the poor victims..esp our xiao xinyi...kekez..n CJ...e most admired boy in e class..hahaz..i cant believe we act hv a fan club for him...edwin..our link to the senior class..he's so brotherly..always full of advices for us..and a habitual gambler as well...toking of which..i realli hope u guys can kick that playin-cards-wherever-u-are habit..i mean..u eat dinner also play cards..a bit e li pu..hahaz..dinner time is for us to chit chat mah...yeah...and also...e boys in our class hv been rather gentlemen to some extent..i rem how u guys used to serve soup and drinks to the gurls=)..i hope this can be maintained..hehez...girls in our class are really sweet n e guys muz be gentleman n forthcoming as well lah..
all of us hv been thru much together as a class for the past three mths...i really hope yoz can stay as enthu as before...always helping one another...i mean...if all of us were to care only abt ourselves...n ignore pp whom we is this class ever gonna remain united?...our unity used to be our strength..and i hope it will always be...dunno why i suddenly tok abt this...but all i want is for our classmates to feel for n support one another...hmmm...not forgetting our yeow..he has been a great CT...very understanding...always giving in to our countless i think we shldnt push our luck too far..we shld nv pon his lessons..since he respects us..we shld treat him with our utmost respect as well...
ok...act there's so much more i wanna say...but i gotta end here...pray hard dat i can stay..ill miss all of yoz lots...ill miss hwa chong lots...haiz...thank you so much for making my life in hwa chong so memorable n yoz peepx!

MY LIFE spun on 5:25 pm.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


School's starting soon...

actually, i am beginning to realise that i like school without having to worry for tests, so the past 3 mths was great! but not exactly looking forward to beyond the honeymoon period..haha.
enjoyed going out with everyone on sat. i don't know about the rest, but it's been a long time since i went out with u

=) anyway, haiz. always think that i am quite ..i don't know not very sociable, not really the type to talk alot or just keep going out ever so often. don't know la... that's why i feel that i don't really get to talk to most of u half as much as i would have wished to. haiz.

=) but i'm the kind who gains more steam with time. now suddenly realise that posting results are coming out soon. on tuesday. wow. these three month really flies. we've made friends, esp some who were total strangers, and i never regret knowing any of you. no matter what happens, even if we can't be together as a class, i hope that these friendships will last.
Love u guys k!

Footsteps in Time

I recall that first time we've met
By chance, in you i found a friend
We've shared a boat and came so far
But as the journey progress we must part
We chose our roads and dreams guide us
Ten thousand miles and oceans apart
Countless events and ten years passed
We may drift apart but where the footsteps start,
we once made a journey
One that will always bind us.

MY LIFE spun on 6:54 pm.

Huang Cheng Ye Yun 2005 was GREAT ya? hahaz, melissa acted SO well lor...and it is really a great achievement for every single member of huang cheng to do up the whole huang cheng ye yun, so good job for that! Well...i really enjoy myself there =D

Hey, do you all like the new background song arh?


MY LIFE spun on 6:12 pm.

Hey !

I noe this is quite irrelevent......

But guess what!?

50 cents' THE MASSACRE is the number ONE best-selling album!And Candyshop is NUMBER

1 on the billboards!Woohoo!

Cos' I'll take you to the candyshop...hahaz...By Brian

MY LIFE spun on 12:53 pm.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right... So think that you can...
-Teng Chuan

MY LIFE spun on 10:02 pm.

Yoz... Ben here as usual.
Here is something which i thought sounded profound for u all to ponder:
Ta-daa...To lose in order to gain, or gain only to lose...

Sounds crappy. nvm. I will think of more after watching Spongebob todae.=) Can we have a class outing on friday? just wondering...

MY LIFE spun on 10:29 am.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yo yoz

I aint gotta line to fill here so ima just write smthng tt someone told me tt i tot was quite insightful.

So yea,here it goes:

"I thought Life had a plan for me,but then I realised Life must be planned by me."

It makes sense right?

Signing off,Brian.

MY LIFE spun on 9:42 pm.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Note>> If you don't wish to read nonsense, please don't read the following. =)
Been quite long since I've been here. Hmmx. Hols are here! Yay! Although only one week and yes it will pass really really fast. But. Its a good time to relax and enjoy. Like by going shopping. Haha.
Aiyyy. I really don't know what to write here la. Erm. We're running for council. Yay! Haha. Vote for us! (haha! ok I know hope you all will.) Ask us nice questions during Q&A! Hahaha. Think I'm on a sugar high. Aiy. OK enough crapping la huh. Make the blog more active! Maybe we should start some kind of discussion or sth.
OK that's enough nonsense from me. Bye!

MY LIFE spun on 11:05 pm.

Hello ppl! hahaz... its the holidae liaoz.. watcha doin'? hahaz.... i also dunno wat to type here, but since eric ask us to blog den i blog lorz... hmm.... Oh yarz... u all must vote for me to get in council!! hahaz... i gtg prepare those thingz during this week and pls support!!! thanks!!
-A Gummie Gum on a Saturade Nite-

MY LIFE spun on 11:05 pm.

Yozz ppl. Ben here. Me veri long nv blog liao...wah, Capriccio XXI so nice, if onli I go. Anyway, went for science course, Avian Flu thingie todae. It was pretty cool. Spent 1h learning how to use and practicing the usage of pipette and do some centrifuging. Experimental part wise wasn't that fun todae but the talk by Dr rosemary was interesting though.=P Hopefully it will be more fun tml! cya dudes...

MY LIFE spun on 6:34 pm.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

"Capriccio XXI was excellent! "...really??? Think my fren would be glad to hear that. Heard the band ple say it wasn't that good. made alot of errors and all.
I'm looking forward to this holiday u know, being out of sorts these few days and all - glad of a chance to refresh.

looking forward to the huang cheng performance, ple... must meet first and go out the whole day if we can..coz i always don have a chance to go out with u must make up for it...

Enjoy your holiday everyone!

MY LIFE spun on 9:07 pm.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Eric here. Capriccio XXI was excellent! hahaz. I like the pirates of the caribbean!!! OMG, SO NICE and i want it played over and over again!!! It really brings me back to the movie lor...really very good.

Before the band concert, went out wif the class and in the end late for concert, LOL!!! hahaz. Shu hui bought flowers for kuan khoon and li wen and we settled our dinner at ngee ann city. But too bad bus 171 refused to come and surprisingly we can squeeze in the bus despite the crowd inside the bus. Call taxi also no use, damm it

So, overall, excellent performance by kuan khoon and li wen and i really enjoyed the music.

MY LIFE spun on 10:19 pm.

Just for your laughs guys! ENjoy! [suwai]


Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.

A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

MY LIFE spun on 9:13 pm.

Eric here. Apollo outing was fun...hahaz, although the games played were quite lame and they are getting boring. But the food was excellent! I love the chicken mushroom soup, i think i drank 3 bowls of it? The mee hoon and chicken were superb! There are a lot of leftover food lor, hahaz, the councillors are begging people to take them home to eat...hahaz

The apollo dance was GREAT! hahaz, we apollo danced two times and it was so shiok! hahaz

05S77 won the most compatible couple (chii jie and xin yi) and we got sweets for the prizes...and melvin for dunno what reason got a bottle of hair gel, hahaz, weiwen gave it to him.

Wah, everything ended so late, edwin wanted to play bowling but in the end a bit sianz diao, so gave our free bowling coupons to another CT and left the place...but we are not so sure of where the MRT station is so in the end wandered around, and finally reached toa payoh station.

Mi got to take a taxi back home from Lot 1, coz i think the bus service is gone liao since i waited for so long and no bus wants to come and fetch me home, lol. Tired of walking home, so took a cab

Tml got band concert! Cool, good luck liwen and kuan khoon!

MY LIFE spun on 12:33 am.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

YOO HOOO guys! Just up here to report sth happy
me got my blog up...(a new blog...up quite long already, just didn't want to share first b4 i can ensure that i'll be remaining in hc and this class... don't ask me why, coz it's complex.)

i'll add the link soon. if u want just go and check la k?
and pretend u don know me when u read. cause sometimes the stuff that i write are quite personal and abstract.

MY LIFE spun on 9:13 pm.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Lemony Snickets : A Series Of Unfortunate Events. Such a great and meaningful movie ya? hahaz

Had lunch at some coffee shop near 6th avenue centre before going to lido to watch the above show.

Din join the class for dinner, went back home feeling so tired...haiz, if today is a full day off it would be really good


MY LIFE spun on 8:57 pm.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

yoz everyone! Eric here. Talentime 05 is really cool right? hahaz, it ended successfully on sat night, and i really enjoyed myself a lot...hahaz, they are excellent singers and they dun lose to existing singers and the contestants in Singapore Idols! Congratulations to LOVE, this vocal group sang so well that i knew they would win. hahaz. They chose a good song and they expressed it very well. A job well done! :D

B4 the talentime, mi, edwin and kwong ee went to jurong pt to have dinner at swensens. Hahaz, really quite expensive...mi and kwong ee ate fish and chips, edwin had teriyaki chicken pasta. We also had regular earthquake for ice-cream :D Exited the shop wif a big hole in my wallet -_-

So, overall, talentime was really great...i think $8 is worth it ba? hahaz

MY LIFE spun on 10:40 pm.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Moshi moshi... Ben here...
Heard the senior class did pretty well for chinese. there were 8A1s i think. Congrats Edwin and YuHuan and all those who did well. Wonder if i shld take ao chinese? Anyway, rest assured, Eric... no out of tune singers tml.Trust me. =) And last of all, Good luck to all taking their PW grades next week. Yeah... our class got ppl running for council. Cool! Jia you, KF, SH, both Mels and KX and Gum! =)

MY LIFE spun on 9:22 pm.

Eric here. Congrats to edwin for getting A1 for Chinese AO! Erm, i only noe edwin got A1 for his chinese AO, i dunno whether any of our seniors took Chinese AO or not...anyway, good luck for your PW next week (heard from seniors PW grades will be released next week)

Tml will be talentime show. Should be of high standard ba, since ardy the finalists lor...but REALLY hope not to hear any out of tune singers...hahaz

MY LIFE spun on 8:03 pm.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Hello! Eric here. Good luck for your Project Work and for some, Chinese AO tml!!!

Saturday Talentime 2005. Better be a GOOD performace, hahaz!

MY LIFE spun on 8:04 pm.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hello everyone! eric here. Happy birthday edwin!!! hahaz.

Anyway, today quite sianz lah...coz last night turn in quite late so today really dun have the mood for lectures and tutorials...

And dunno why, mr yeow commented that i look more like an art student than a science student coz i talk a lot in class...WAH LAU, when my classmates are writing on the whiteboard, showing their answers, nothing to do mah, so of cuz talk to jun hao lah...

Ai yoh, i have so much interest in science and he says i am art student...-_- hahaz!!

GP lesson was fun, coz we watched videos on the topic about army, this video "Army Daze" is really super funny, and jun hao's imitation of dropping contact lenses is extremely wonder an qi and mi laugh our heads off

Green club meeting today on discussing the proposals...hahaz, human size can is chosen, backup plan is star-shaped can structure. Hahaz, thanks su wai for the ideas!

Tml bio lecture test, really very sianz lor...good luck anyway

MY LIFE spun on 6:54 pm.

hihi... me first post here....
well... results are out... some would be happy, some nonchalant and some sad. There is nothing I can say or do that will make those that are leaving feel any better, but in the end, bear in mind that it has been great knowing you all and being together all these while.
nothing more to say... except that for those who are cussing the MOE, bear in mind that the crap system has been in place for years and with IP, who knows what next year would be like?

I'm Cj by the way

MY LIFE spun on 2:19 am.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

ditto what brian said. **** MOE. urgh..this sucks. -lei-

MY LIFE spun on 10:58 pm.

Ben here...
Todae's cycling trip was veri fun since i normally cycle alone at east coast park. Although onli 6, xy, weijian, wujuan, SP and lei2 and me turned up, i had lotsa of fun. Competing with wei jian was pretty neat! The gals do cycle pretty slow...Just kidding...Probably the most memorable cycling trip in my life.=( "All good things must come to an end", but why, i question myself. They always say good will trumiph over evil..." why do bad things have to happen...Why, why? Sorry for the depressing talk... But ppl try to cheer up...Hopefully, Miraculously, a miracle will happen... Have faith and believe in urself...=)
Ben signing off...

MY LIFE spun on 8:19 pm.

Man, I... really don't know what to say. I share Brian's sentiments... It's going to be really tough for all of us now, we'll never be able to go back to what we were pre-Monday, we were happy and carefree, little worries. Aiyy. Maybe I shouldn't say depressing stuff. I really wished the 3 months never had to end.

In any case, I'll be praying for you all. Take care, rest well, God bless... see you guys on Wed. Love you all! <3


MY LIFE spun on 11:21 am.