Tuesday, March 22, 2005

hey peepX....
noe noe here...this is the 2nd time im writing in this lovely blog...but i hope this will not be my last..=S..ive got so much stuff to say too all of yoz..but yi qie jing zai bu yan zhong(: ..so ill jus try my best to say wadeva i can rite now..hahaz....crap...
ok here goes...
first time i saw you guys..i tot e class was gonna be boring(dun bish mi kz..)..BUT...i knew i was wrong..orientation with yOz was reaLLLI fun..and great...i rem dat silly skit we had..all of us were quite enthu lah..we were very sporting in games though we din get to win any..but well..we always tried our best din we?..dats the whole pt of orientation...we get to hv fun together..blahblah..yeah..and dat was when i get acquainted with e taitai gang=)xinyi.liwen.wujuan.melissa.leilei. ...hehez..these gurls hv rocked my life..
i fell outta luv and becuz of u guys..i was able to get over it and move on...i cant imagine wad i would hv gone thru if not for yoz..u might think this is silly but realli...coming to sch was fun to mi becuz of all of yoz...as much as i hated the lectures n tutorials..i wldnt want to miss a day hangin arnd e class bench...yes..the class bench.....S77 class bench is such a wonderful place..windy//..cool place to relax...ill miss the bench lots....
our class...ever scandalous-.-...jus becuz pp of opp sex tok a little more..den there's a scandal..rather silly though it does inject some fun into our life sometimes..hahaz..but well...rem not to go overboard teasing the poor victims..esp our xiao xinyi...kekez..n CJ...e most admired boy in e class..hahaz..i cant believe we act hv a fan club for him...edwin..our link to the senior class..he's so brotherly..always full of advices for us..and a habitual gambler as well...toking of which..i realli hope u guys can kick that playin-cards-wherever-u-are habit..i mean..u eat dinner also play cards..a bit e li pu..hahaz..dinner time is for us to chit chat mah...yeah...and also...e boys in our class hv been rather gentlemen to some extent..i rem how u guys used to serve soup and drinks to the gurls=)..i hope this can be maintained..hehez...girls in our class are really sweet n nice...so e guys muz be gentleman n forthcoming as well lah..
all of us hv been thru much together as a class for the past three mths...i really hope yoz can stay as enthu as before...always helping one another...i mean...if all of us were to care only abt ourselves...n ignore pp whom we dislike..how is this class ever gonna remain united?...our unity used to be our strength..and i hope it will always be...dunno why i suddenly tok abt this...but all i want is for our classmates to feel for n support one another...hmmm...not forgetting our CT..mr yeow..he has been a great CT...very understanding...always giving in to our countless requests...so i think we shldnt push our luck too far..we shld nv pon his lessons..since he respects us..we shld treat him with our utmost respect as well...
ok...act there's so much more i wanna say...but i gotta end here...pray hard dat i can stay..ill miss all of yoz lots...ill miss hwa chong lots...haiz...thank you so much for making my life in hwa chong so memorable n wonderful...love yoz peepx!

MY LIFE spun on 5:25 pm.