Sunday, March 20, 2005


School's starting soon...

actually, i am beginning to realise that i like school without having to worry for tests, so the past 3 mths was great! but not exactly looking forward to beyond the honeymoon period..haha.
enjoyed going out with everyone on sat. i don't know about the rest, but it's been a long time since i went out with u

=) anyway, haiz. always think that i am quite ..i don't know not very sociable, not really the type to talk alot or just keep going out ever so often. don't know la... that's why i feel that i don't really get to talk to most of u half as much as i would have wished to. haiz.

=) but i'm the kind who gains more steam with time. now suddenly realise that posting results are coming out soon. on tuesday. wow. these three month really flies. we've made friends, esp some who were total strangers, and i never regret knowing any of you. no matter what happens, even if we can't be together as a class, i hope that these friendships will last.
Love u guys k!

Footsteps in Time

I recall that first time we've met
By chance, in you i found a friend
We've shared a boat and came so far
But as the journey progress we must part
We chose our roads and dreams guide us
Ten thousand miles and oceans apart
Countless events and ten years passed
We may drift apart but where the footsteps start,
we once made a journey
One that will always bind us.

MY LIFE spun on 6:54 pm.