Tuesday, January 25, 2005
finally had time to pop by...

Hi ppl...Jun Hao here..juz seen the blog...the design is not bad but juz feel tt the entry size is realli abit small for viewing pleasure...haha...but i noe it's diff to change the size n stuff...nvm...mayb the nxt time we can change another skin...gr8 job eric n melissa!

these few daes din hav time to come online hehe...not realli busy but too sianz to go online...my own blog is lyk un-updated 4 quite a few daes so later need go update...

kk...someone's bdae is aft 2daes...so i tink we better prepare sth...tink plans shd b up soon rite? :P

MY LIFE spun on 4:30 pm.