Thursday, September 08, 2005

lemme say tt i'm blogging for the sake of blogging..haha..cos there's no one blogging actively on this blog..n i wonder who will b the person to first c this entry from 05s77..hmm..if u r the lucky one pls tell mi if u tink tt i can c how long's the lag time..lolz

i juz hav to say some comments to quite old happenings.. firstly i enjoyed the fish & co was v fun n the atmosphere was gr8..hoped everyone had a gd time..den so glad tt the cookie baking was so SUCCESSFUL! prove how united our class can b at times..hope our teachers din throw them down the dustbins or let them rot in a corner..

sighs..left onli a few daes of holidaes..hope everyone can enjoy the last few daes n dun mug too hard..if mug till sian liao den come here n blog..ahhaha..hope our class can soar in promos n gd luck to everyone in advance..


MY LIFE spun on 6:53 pm.