Wednesday, February 02, 2005

World Of My Own

Life is something we can't put on paper.
Not so much letters as shapeless vapors.
A single plane would not make a picture
Unless life is of a two dimensional nature.
Merely lines and shapes without a texture.

Yet "living" is a word under-explained.
No dictionary can state it in plain.
For the word reaches beyond boundaries
Meaning more than the length and width
Fire and passion from it seethe.

Were I to state the feelings in my mind
I wonder what truths and tales I would find
Would that I could tell my tale
But words and their meanings are at best pale
May be for now I haven't the skills
And perhaps silence is my best bet
To let my emotions spill
Wordless, yet louder than words
Much harder to forget.

Yet, was I to try,
And explain the feelings in my mind
If I would record my emotions
On this paper, in these words
In one dimensional lines and curvatures
Then, I like to wonder
How would you have described
The way I felt, where the yearning starts
What of our feelings, of the maze in our hearts?

MY LIFE spun on 9:17 pm.