Friday, February 18, 2005

Hi Guys! suwai here. =)
i'm quite sad cause tomorrow JTS i cannot go... =( ...but then on the other hand, i could very well use the time to catch up on my sleep...
was bored, so wanted to post sth i wrote..hope u guys enjoy it...even if u don't, for my sake..well just read...and do give me some comments yeah???? i'm going to publish my own book one day. actually, some of you have already seen this... & do give me some inspirations to work on, can???

Sweet sweet sixteen
In the blink of an eye, sixteen years passed
And sixty more to look forward, yet to be past.
Wary to be wild, yet too wild to be wary
A little caught in time, and of ages in between.

There’s so much to look forward, so little to be seen.
Many things lost in time, many more trailing from behind
The rush of exhilaration, wanting to break free
Loving and hating, the roots that are holding me.

A painted canvas of abstract dreams
Vibrant of colour but indistinct of print
Full of expression yet lacking in discipline
When the angel seems so far, and oh be damned, devil take me.

Then there were the earthly feelings coaxed into spring
Having slept for years and cajoled into spring.
Taking substance from stolen glances
Each smile to my heart one of cupid’s lances

It was a way-way-beyond-words life I’ve had
Even for all the tiny-medium-major obstacles that I’ve met
Seems to me spring time flew by in a breeze
Slipped through my fingers and flown passed me.
Oh sweet sweet sixteen.

MY LIFE spun on 7:56 pm.